

This page is still work-in-progress. The contents of this page are incomplete and subject to change.

Tips and tricks for troubleshooting common issues that you might face with the Amazon Yojaka product will be documented here.

Generic Issues

This section documents common issues that you might face while working with the Amazon Yojaka product either in production or in the sandbox.

403 Forbidden Error

While making an Amazon Yojaka API call, your client is receiving a HTTP 403 Forbidden error response.

One of the possible causes for this error could be that you have not associated an appropriate AWS IAM policy to your AWS IAM user as documented in the Post On-boarding Steps step. Follow the steps documented in that section and retry invoking the Amazon Yojaka API.

Sandbox Issues

This section documents common issues that you might face while working with the Amazon Yojaka product’s sandbox.

Order Injection Failure

While working with the Amazon Yojaka sandbox, it is possible that the API you invoke to inject an order into the sandbox fails. This failure could be due to a variety of reasons, some of which are documented below.

  1. Insufficient inventory - If there is insufficient inventory in the sandbox for any of the SKUs in the order that you are trying inject, then the injection of the sandbox order will fail. Ensure that you update the sandbox with sufficient inventory for all the SKUs that you intend to use while injecting orders into the sandbox.